Killings in the Sierra Tarahumara: an open chapter

In this month of January 2019 we commemorate for the second year in a row the anniversary of the killings of two indigenous Rarámuri leaders in the Sierra Tarahumara in the State of Chihuahua in the North of Mexico.  Isidro Baldenegro Lóperz, killed on 15th Janurary 2017, was an environmental defender, particularly focused on illegal logging in the municipality of Guadalupe and Calvo.  For a long time his work was backed up and recognised


EU-Mexican bilateral relations

The Global Agreement between the European Union and Mexico includes within the political pillar, a high level human rights dialogue.  This mechanisms allows both parts to tackle human rights issues that they are affected by and to guide the priorities in the cooperation and technical assistance agreements.  The dialogue between Mexico and the EU is annual and takes place after a prior seminar where Mexcian and European human rights organisations present the human rights situation and make recommendations.  This year the central topic was human rights defenders, which cooincid


The Mountain of Guerrero: the source of resistance and whirlwind of hope

"Mountain, you are our refuge and strength, in you we rest our collective spirit.  Your vigilant hills protect us from the reach of enemies of our people.  In this source of resistance, our struggle strengthens and immerse ourselves in this whirlwind of hope"

The mountainous region of the State of Guerrero is an unstoppable source of resistance.  Abel Barrera Hernández, director and founder of the Human Rights Center of the Mountain Tlachinollan, expressed this on the 24th anniversary of the organisations, celebrated on the 6th October in the municipality of


Forced disappearance: an open wound in Mexico

As we commemorate 4 years from the disappearance of the 43 students from the rural college of Ayotzinapa (Guerrero), PBI stands in solidarity with all those searching for their family members, coming up against unbearable impunity with strength and inspiring dignity.


Mexico: a safe country?

Photo: a mural at the Casa del Migrante Saltillo representing the countries of Latin America, painted by a migrant who passed through the Casa


Nochixtlán: the impunity continues

On 19th June 2016, during a protest by the teacher-training college and member of the communities of Asunción, Nochixtlán, San Pablo Huitzo, San Franzisco Telixtlahuaca, Hacienda Blanca and Viguera that requested a dialgoue with the Federal Government in order to revise the educational reforms, many participants were seriously assaulted by different security forces in an attempt to halt the protest.


Mexico in the IACHR

The past two sessions (167 and 168) of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACHR) in 2018, saw a panorama of hearings about Mexico which offer a bleak overview of the human rights situation in the country.  These cases confirm the human rights crisis that the IACHR observed in their insitu visit to Mexico in 2015.  The impacts of public security policies and the prevalence of impunity in cases of human rights violations were also highlighted.  These violations not only represent obstacles for the development of peaceful societies, but also represent serious challenges f


México en la CIDH

Las últimas dos sesiones (167 y 168) de la Comisión Inter-Americana de Derechos Humanos (CIDH) realizadas en 2018 han visto una panorama de audiencias sobre México, las cuales ofrecen una fotografía oscura de la situación de derechos humanos en el país. Estos casos reafirman la situación de crisis de derechos humanos que ya fuera constatada por la CIDH tras su visita in loco a México en 2015. También se visibilizaron los impactos de las políticas de seguridad pública y la prevalencia de la impunidad en los casos de violaciones de derechos humanos.


Caso Rosendo Radilla: nuevas investigaciones en Atoyac de Álvarez

En el marco de la implementación de esta sentencia, los peritos de antropología forense de la Procuraduría General de la República (PGR) realizaron nuevas diligencias en la ciudad de los servicios, dónde se encontraba el 27º Batallón de Infantería. A petición de Tita Radilla, PBI acompañó a AFADEM en el desarrollo de dichas diligencias.


Rosendo Radilla case: new investigations in Atoyac de Álvarez

Experts in forensic anthropology from the Federal Prosecutor’s Office (PGR) carried out a new search for evidence in Atoyac, specifically at the former site of the 27th Infantry Battalion. Following Tita Radilla’s request, PBI accompanied AFADEM during this exercise.



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